if you wish, please read this article under “Terms of Use and Legal Privacy Statement” carefully before using our.net website. Since the moment this article is published, it will be assumed that all visitors and members who visit our site agree to the terms contained herein. If you do not agree to the terms contained herein, please do not use the site.
The term “User”, which is frequently used in the text we publish here, refers to the real and legal person, including all visitors & members who visit our site.
The terms of use in the text we publish can be changed unilaterally at any time by.net management, provided that the changes are clearly stated on this page.

Terms of Use
All content on our website belongs to.netete if you want copyright. It is legally protected under the relevant international legislation in conjunction with the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works. The content on our site is forbidden to download, save, reproduce and publish without permission on one or another platform.if you want.net has the right to initiate legal action against the relevant users as soon as it detects such activities.
Users are obliged not to violate the legal rights of third parties when using any content or system of the.net site if you wish. In the event of such violations, our site does not accept any legal and criminal liability in any way, while we expressly state that any legal and criminal liability arising from these violations belongs exclusively to the user.
users who comment on the news content published on the Senev.net site are responsible. Although the comments on our site are published by passing the approval of the editor, in some cases, the slang words that are overlooked in the comments, are, the user is responsible for completely commenting on legal issues that may arise due to fraudulent comments and unproven statements that violate personal rights. The IP addresses of all visitors who comment on our site are recorded in the relevant comment management. In any legal situation, such information will be shared with the authorities if requested by the judicial authorities.
Any behavior and operation that aims to render our website unprocessed in any way, to slow down disturbingly or to damage hardware systems with the software is prohibited. The use of some automated programs to send requests and information to our site, including a large amount of queries or membership records, is included in this ban. We would like to know that we will use our rights to block access to the site and to initiate legal action on it as soon as such activities are detected.
if you want, all visual and written content published on.net is produced exclusively for our site by experienced editorial staff. It is strictly forbidden to share these contents without showing the source. Only by originating our website link where they obtain information in a clickable way is allowed to be quoted.
if you have created a membership registration on.net, your username and password in your membership information belong only to your person. The use of a membership by more than one person may cause you to have legal problems in some cases. Therefore, a membership can only be used by the user who registers the membership. All transactions made using a username and password will be deemed to have been performed by the person performing the membership, unless otherwise proven.
if you wish, it is strictly forbidden to make a large number of clicks, either manually or through automated programs, except for the purpose of receiving information to the ads on.net. As a matter of fact, we declare that we will initiate all legal actions, in the first place, to prevent users who perform the transaction from accessing our site as soon as such click activities are determined that are not in accordance with normal user behavior.
All disputes relating to the conditions of use we have specified herein are subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of the Turkish Law and enforcement agencies.
All external links on the site open on a separate page.net (www.istersen.net) does not take responsibility for any external links within the site if you want.
Privacy Policy
if you want.net, users will not share personal data transmitted to it electronically via the website “www.istersen.net” or through its official mobile application with third parties except for the purposes described in the Protection of Personal Data Law numbered 6698 and related to the collection of personal data, if you wish, we will not sell and use the Personal Data Privacy Policy of our.net platform is listed below.
Identification (name, surname, TC identification number, etc.), communication, information about the methods used during access to products (IP, mobile wire brand-model, browser type, version, social media information, etc, it refers to all kinds of information that will enable you to be decisive or identifiable, such as the movements it performs on screens, etc.).
if you want.net to identify any problems related to the system and use the IP addresses of its users when necessary to solve them. The IP address can also be used to identify users on our site in general and to collect demographic information in a comprehensive manner.
if you wish, the information requested by.net from users or provided directly by users can be used anonymously by our site without revealing the identity of users in various areas such as evaluations, statistical studies, private newsletters and database creation.
if you want, content in the.net website or mobile application can be linked to other sites. It does not bear any responsibility for the privacy practices and contents of the sites accessed through the link out of our site.
if you want.net, some information that can identify the user such as personal data name-surname, address, phone number, e-mail address, IP address is hosted. Unless otherwise stated in the privacy policies we publish on this page, personal data will not be shared with third parties. However, in some cases, this privacy policy may be excluded from the provisions of the user's information may be disclosed to third parties. These situations;
To comply with the requirements of the legal rules issued and in force by the competent legal authorities, such as the Decree, Regulation, etc., in the Provision of Law, and,
In cases where user information is requested against the requirements of research or investigation which is duly carried out by competent administrative or judicial authorities and where it is necessary to provide information to protect the rights of users
if you want.net can periodically send e-newsletters to inform users about new technological developments and the agenda in the relevant field. Our users can prevent these email notifications from reaching them by clicking on the link specified as described at the bottom of the email.
Article 6698 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data numbered 11 entered into force on 7 October 2016 and the rights of the Personal Data Owner after this date are listed below. About itself by contacting.net if you want users;
Learning whether personal data is processed or not,
If your personal data has been processed, do not request information about it,
Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose
Know third parties to whom personal data is transferred at home or abroad
Request correction of personal data in case it is incomplete or incorrect
KVKK 7. Request the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions contained in the article
In case of correction, deletion or destruction of personal data, request that changes be notified to the third parties to whom this data is transferred
To object to the conclusion of a result against the person by analyzing the processed personal data exclusively through automated systems
If it is damaged due to the unlawful processing of personal data, it has the rights to request the removal of this damage, such as.
if you wish.net may respond in written or digital media, provided that you reason for the requests transmitted due to personal data and respond within 30 days. It is essential that the transactions related to the requests given in the relevant subject are free. However, if you require a cost,.net reserves the right to request a fee.
State of Cookies (cookie)
if you wish.net is able to obtain information about the use of the website by using cookies & cookies, a technical communication file prepared by itself or third parties. The cookie files mentioned are small text files that a website sends to the user's browser to be stored in the main memory.
Cookies (cookie) keep the session information, password and on-site preferences of the users, ensuring that the session remains open and that the use of the site is facilitated by recognizing the user on the next visit. These cookie files are used to obtain statistical information about how many people use the website, how many times a user visits a site for what purpose, and how long they stay on the site, it helps in many operations, from user pages that are designed specifically for users to generating religious ads and content.
Cookie files are not designed to receive data or any other personal information from the main memory or email. Many browsers used in operating systems today have been developed to accept cookies. However, users can set it to ensure that no cookie files are kept in their browsers at any time and that these cookie files are alerted when they are kept.
Privacy Policy
We will keep your information conventional experience is required or permitted by law (for example to government bodies and law enforcement agencies). Generally, we will only use your information within the www.istersen.net However, sometimes the www.istersen.net uses third parties to process your information. www.istersen.net needs these third parties to apply strictly with its constructions and the www.istersen.net needs that they do not use your personal information for their own business puppies, etc, unless you have applied to the use of your personal information in this way. When you interact with the www.istersen.net we sometimes receive personal information about you. For example, if you write to us or sign up to a newsletter, you may tell us who you are, how we can contact you and what you think of the www.istersen.net and its services. When you use www.istersen.net online services, we use cookies and collect IP addresses. You can find out more about this in www.istersen.net cookies section of our full Privacy Policy.