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Tasarımlarıyla Ünlü Mimarlar 2024, işini tamamen profesyonel olarak yürüten ve eşi benzeri görülmeyen projelere imza atarak hem ülkemizde hem de yurtdışında kendini kanıtlamış kişilerdir. Günümüzde modern dünyada mimarlık ve mühendislik gibi iş alanları oldukça tercih edilen ve iş imkânında fazla olduğu bölümlerde.Tasarımlarıyla Ünlü Mimarlar 2024’ın Dolayısıyla teknolojinin gelişmesiyle birlikte konut, gökdelen, modern Evler ünlü turkish architects is made by.
En iyi türk mimarlar 2024
Türkiye’nin mimarlık alanında göz kamaştıran yetenekleri, 2024 yılında da öne çıkmaya devam ediyor. İşte ülkemizin en iyi mimarlarından bazıları:
Mustafa Birinci | Muay Mimarlık | |
Melkan Beledioglu | ||
Emre Arolat | ||
Enis Pioneeroglu | ||
Melike Gold |
The best Turkish architects, who have made their name not only in Turkey but also in general to the whole world, continue their projects today. Architects with the enormous structures they design, they make all the texture and appearance of cities and cities more free.
As the best architects of Turkey, we have listed for you below.
Mustafa Birinci ( Muay Mimarlık )
Muay Mimarlık, 2014 yılından bu yana kalite ve estetiği öncelikli tutarak İstanbul Beykoz’da faaliyet gösteren genç, dinamik ve heyecanlı bir mimarlık firmasıdır.
Alanlarında uzman ekibiyle birlikte, profesyonel yaklaşım ve kaliteli malzemeler kullanarak müşteri memnuniyetini esas alır. Ulusal çerçevede kabul görmüş değer ve standartlara uygun olarak, optimum kaynak kullanımıyla hızlı ve zamanında teslim edilen projeler üretir.
Muay Mimarlık ekibi, tecrübeli mimarlar, iç mimarlar, inşaat mühendisleri ve teknik elemanlardan oluşur. Tasarımını yaptığı mobilya ve tüm ahşap elemanları da kendisi üretir ve uygular.
Firmanın özel hizmet alanlarından biri, banyo, mutfak ve komple daire ve villa anahtar teslimi iç mimarlık hizmetidir. Yurt içinde birçok projeye imza atan firma, başarısını referanslarıyla kanıtlamıştır.
Muay Mimarlık aynı zamanda, dış cepheden iç mekana kadar geniş bir ürün yelpazesi sunar. Duvar kaplama, bordür, çeşme, barbekü, sütun gibi dekorasyon ve restorasyon işlerinde istenilen doku, ebat ve biçimde kaliteli işçilikle müşteri taleplerine uygun çözümler sunar.
Melkan Beledioglu
Melkan Gursel-Basedioglu, who graduated from the architecture department of Istanbul technical University, joined the master program in architecture and urbanism in 1993. He was also elected as a member of the architecture room in 1995 through the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Selected as one of the best architects under 40 years of age in Europe, the based on the Visual has been found in many fields and diversity both abroad and domestically. Together with Murat Basedioglu, he was awarded the architectural prize of the year in 2010 and the architect of the year again in 2013.
Emre Arolat
Emre Arolat graduated from Galatasaray high school in 1982 and graduated from Mimar Sinan Technical University with a master's degree in architecture in 1992. Emre Arolat, who has ranked at the top as the best architects of Turkey, returned to Turkey after working in the architecture office in 1986 and 1987. For nearly four years, projects have been designed with her parents, keeping common designs.

In 2004, Emre Arolat Architects founded it together with Gonca Eroglu. Since 2004, it has been awarded with many awards along with its enormous work.
He has taught architecture at teaching institutions such as Erciyes University, Mimar Sinan University and Bilgi University. In 2012 he served as the first Istanbul design binayal and curator. Emre Arolat signed in designs such as Sanjak mosque and Zorlu Center.
Enis Pioneeroglu
Enis Pioneeroglu, who graduated from Middle East technical University faculty of architecture in 1989, started his business life in architecture. Hasan Pioneer Architects, founder of Hasan Pioneer, took over the company's General Directorate in 1996 after the death of his son. After doing jury favors in many international competitions, MIPIM participated as a speaker from national and international conferences, such as ProEstate, MAPIC, which were quite a lot.

Pioneeroglu, who shares his experiences in both architecture and real estate fields, is also among the founders of Ankara Architecture Center. TMMOB architects room membership, METU Faculty of Architecture Alumni Association, Turkish Free Architecture Association, Omim Board Memberships, Shopping Centers And Retailers Association, Turkish Association of Consulting Engineers and Architects, ICSC Memberships are also available.
Melike Gold
in 2018, he was selected as one of the best under-40 architects of Europe under-40 and was born in more than 1980 in Turkey. I had completed my master's degree in design and architecture at the Goldenik Kencel which finished as the first in the Faculty of Architecture at Istanbul Technical University. Melike Goldisik, who went to England for education, met at the final jury of the Master Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher, who worked as project manager at the ZHA office with the job offer.

returning to our country after the ZHA office, Melike Altinik entered the faculty of Istanbul Bilgi University Architecture Graduate Program.In 2013, Melike Goldizik Arhtect established the small Camlica television tower and the Seoul robot science museum.
Han Tubertekin
Born in 1958, Han Tuberkekin studied architecture at Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture. Tuberkin, who holds a Master's degree in historical conservation, is also among our architects, who have been awarded national and international awards. Along with the project consultancy services of architects and han Tuberkin, our country has taken its place in various projects in countries such as Japan, Canada, France and the Netherlands.

Han Tubertekin, who won the architecture award with the B two house project in 2004, has also served as a member of the Han architecture awards board since 2008. In 2007, Han Tuberkin's work was published as a monograph by Harvard University publications.
Famous Turkish Architects
Famous Turkish Architects, there are many famous Turkish architects who have lived in Turkey from the past to the present and still live in the present. There are also many architects who are pioneers of Turkish architects who carry our name abroad with the dry.
University of Pennsylvania, University of, Harvard University there are famous Turkish architects who work in universities abroad such as both in our country and abroad and present their works to the whole world.
The above architects are the 5 Architects Famous for their Designs in Turkey, known throughout Turkey along with many works. They have heard their names by signing projects that are not seen as similar both in our country and all over the world.
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